
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Perfect Idea for a Snow Day With Tweens: A S'Mores Stand

Here's a great idea for an entrepreneurial tween on a snow day: a s'mores and hot chocolate stand. The idea is the same as the classic summer lemonade stand but extended to your favorite neighborhood sledding spot.

Here's how:
  • Make a batch of s'mores at home (see our recipe here) and wrap each in tin foil
  • Whip up some hot chocolate and pour it into a big thermos (the kind that you lug to soccer games will work perfectly)
  • Draw a colorful sign that lists what you're selling and how much it costs (e.g. $0.50/s'more). Bonus points for deciding to donate your proceeds to your favorite charity - be sure your sign tells everyone which organization you're supporting! Need a list of great causes for tweens? Here are some ideas: 
  • Load a sled with a basket of the foil-wrapped s'mores, the thermos, a stack of napkins, a sleeve of cups, and a bowl of extra marshmallows and bring it with you to your neighborhood park/slope/hill
  • Watch the crowds of hungry sledders swarm your sled!
Thermos from Pylones, $44

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  1. What a COOL idea! we just got a lot of snow in my neighborhood and that would have been great! We also heard about a group of neighbors around my school who handed out candy bars and water bottles to people caught in a big traffic jam (2 hours to 2 blocks NO JOKE). Thanks for the AWESOME IDEA!<3

  2. Ooh - I love that neighbors got together to help out folks stuck in the snow. Here in D.C., some folks were stranded for 9 hours trying to get home.
