
Monday, April 5, 2010

J.K. Rowling Reading at White House Easter Egg Roll

Beloved author (and our tweens' favorite) J.K. Rowling read from the first Harry Potter book, "The Sorcerer's Stone" at today's Easter Egg Roll at the White House. She took many questions from kids in the crowd, including "How did you come up with the idea for Harry Potter?" (Answer: She can't say exactly - from lots of different places), and "Is it true you named Harry after your neighbor?" (Answer: No).

Mrs. Rowling really loves Snape's character and said, "I love writing him, but I wouldn't want to meet him." She is working on books other than Harry Potter and is enjoying her time now away from publishing deadlines.

The day has been filled with amazing performances (including Amber Riley from Glee singing the National Anthem) and readings. President Obama read to the crown from Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" before leaving the event to throw the first pitch out at the National's season opener.

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