
Friday, January 20, 2012

Fantastic Interview With Fashion Blogger Tavi (and Look at Her Room!)

Tween Teen fashion blogger and editor-in-chief (of Rookie Mag) Tavi Gevinson recently did a televised interview with the BBC. It is fascinating to hear her in speak about how she started in fashion and with writing and her take on being the youngest editor-in-chief on the planet. The tour of her room is also incredibly fun - it features a loft bed, vinyl records (SO retro), and the general chaos that comes with a girl's life (glitter, photos, stickers, jewelry, momentos, and the like).

We knew the girl could write - now we can all hear how well spoken she is too.  Perfect timing: New York Fashion Week starts February 9, 2012!

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1 comment:

  1. Hello, Ms. Twixt. I am a faithful reader of your blog. I tried to contact you for this question on your lovely blog through your comment box a few time, but I had no response. I wonder if you can help with a pickle I am in. My daughter, 14, Mauna-Hiqua (her father is Arabic), started wearing a bra last year.Recently she asked me whether it is appropriate to use a regular bra. It is my opinion, Girls wear a bra, but when 18 years of age, but my daughter, or the beautiful and socially acceptable child I raised, does not think so. She told me that her friends use bras by a company called Victoria's Secret, in my opinion, the ads that the company place are pornographic to say the least. She said that to wear yoga pants thong wearing is a responsibility, I think this is absurd. I ask now, you have a daughter this age? You can tell me how old your daughter has begun using a bra, and what you think of the Victoria's Secret Crisis, I think. Thanks in advance,
    Betty Sue Fakhima Maloof
    I apologize for my broken English, it is not my language first.
