
Friday, March 2, 2012

Reading Resources for Tweens in Honor of Dr. Seuss' Birthday & The Lorax

You're never too old to read to your kid - even in her tween years. On today, Dr. Seuss' birthday and National Read Across America Day, we wanted to share a book called "The Reading Promise." Written by Alice Ozma it chronicles the promise made to Ms. Ozma by her father when she was 9 years old (a tween!) to read to her every day for one hundred days. One hundred days turned into one thousand days and then more - until Ms. Ozma went to college. Our tween's middle school and our teen's high school have both launched a "reading streak" campaign challenging parents to read daily to their tweens and teens. We thought today would be an auspicious day to kick-off the program in our house. We're on the hunt for the best read aloud books for 7 to 14 year olds - please post your suggestions. Since today is also the opening of "The Lorax", we figured that would be a good place to start. (Also check out our other Cool Seuss Things for Tweens on our Pinterest board.)

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1 comment:

  1. Attending this kind of events soothes the mind and refreshes our knowledge. Setting workable goals motivates us to do our best and strive hard in whatever we do.
