
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Middle School Finals Care Package

These days our middle school tweens are busy prepping for their final exams (blissfully, the elementary-school-age tween does not yet have finals). Remembering back to our own exam weeks and the sense of desperation we recall, we were inspired to put together a Middle School Finals Care Package. Here's what we included:
  • Good & Plenty candies (black licorice has tummy-soothing properties and re-energizes tired brains)
  • Sugarless mint gum (the big can; enough to help stave off the inevitable fingernail biting for a little bit; Freedent gum is easiest on those with braces)
  • New nail polish (here's the trick: tweens are loathe to scuff up a new manicure; waiting for the polish to dry gives them uninterrupted reading time - plus there's incentive to not bite their nails when they look so good)
  • Package of hair ties (anything to help keep her hair off her face while she studies)
  • Vitamin Waters (we bought a package of mini-bottles as a treat that wasn't soda; our tweens love that they contain vitamins to help them focus - we chose "Focus", "Spark", and "Energy")
  • Burt's Bees Blemish Stick (stress causes breakouts, and this formula is all natural and not overpowering)
  • Lavender scented candle (lavender fragrance has a calming effect, and there's something comforting about lighting a candle; obviously do this only when there is adult supervision)
  • Mint flavored lip balm (to comfort those bitten lips - plus mint has cooling and invigorating effects)
  • Box of chamomile tea (a terrific, caffeine-free way to wind down after a study session)
As a bonus, all of the items listed above were available at our local CVS/drugstore - one stop shopping and thus stress-free for the parents!

What items would you add to the Middle School Finals Care Package?

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