
Monday, May 16, 2011

Beware of the Latest Facebook Scam: the Dislike Button

Our eldest daughter was checking her Facebook profile today and called me over to point out a new feature: the Dislike button. Her response was telling, "Oh no. This is not a good thing." Given the prevalence of "Facebooking" amongst her classmates and tweens in general, it's understandable how a Dislike feature could get out of hand quickly (Formspring anyone?)

We did some research and learned that the Dislike button is a fraud - it is not a new Facebook feature. It was developed by cyber-hackers in a "clickjacking" scheme (in which one's profile is hacked and spam is sent from it - a similar clickjacking scheme spread earlier about a Justin Bieber ticket contest).

We hope that your tween approaches you with similar questions - it's important not just to protect your computer's data from malware but also to keep her identity and reputation online protected. Check out our tips on how to keep your tween safe online.

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