
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Fat Tuesday! How to Celebrate Mardi Gras With Tweens

Our tweens have discovered Mardi Gras and are excited to celebrate Fat Tuesday as a family. This year they've asked to have pancakes for dinner (I'm not entirely certain how traditional these are as a dinner option - let us know if this is legit).

We saw these Mardi Gras mask cookies by Sweetopia that use this amazing decorating ingredient called "disco dust" (which we'll need to try because of the name alone):

In past years we've made beignets for breakfast, but we haven't tried to bake a King Cake as yet.

We were looking for cool jazz tunes to introduce our tweens to and stumbled upon this great organization called Jazz House Kids. Their mission is to introduce young people to the joy of jazz and provide them "with a unique opportunity to explore the rich heritage of this great American art form firsthand". They are "dedicated to improving the quality of life for young people through the medium of jazz and provide young people with an innovative concept of understanding music." We love that they celebrate "multiple intelligences" by teaching of jazz.

We're looking for some jazz music to play with our tweens tonight - do you have any suggestions?

Some other fun ways to celebrate Mardi Gras with tweens:
  • A library in New Jersey held a tween dance party that featured an air guitar competition
  • We thought this craft to make unique Mardi Gras masks was really well thought-out.
How will you ring in Fat Tuesday with your tween?

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