Whoa! We just came across this video showcasing the new dance club for tweens only aboard Disney's Cruise Ships. It's called "Edge" and features a dance floor, Wii hangout area, and an 18-foot long green screen on which tweens can superimpose themselves onto postcards and video karaoke. Have you seen this? We've not been on this cruise, but a fun lounge area just for tweens sounds very, very cool.
Edge seems like Disney's answer to the new Club Rush at the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas. Like Edge, Club Rush offers a tweens only hangout space with gaming, dance floors, a live DJ, and its own concert series.
Both tween clubs feature technology heavily, including computers to post Facebook updates and resort-only chat networks. To be honest, I'm not sure I'm crazy about the idea of our tweens being plugged in while on vacation, but the dance and music parts of the clubs do sound age-appropriate and like tween heaven. And if hanging out for a bit at such clubs on vacation makes it easier for our tweens to make friends with other kids their age, well, that's even better.
Both Edge and Club Rush are brand new - we hope we can check them out before our tweens get too old for them! Have you visited? What did you think? Was it cool, or are they trying too hard?
Bonus question: Does your community/city/town have a dance-club-venue for tweens (think: an under-21 club like in "StarStruck")? If so, what does your tween think about them? It got us thinking: tweens love to dance, but aside from Wii/Xbox and the occasional school event, there really doesn't seem to be anywhere for them have dance parties. We love that they have their pajama-themed karaoke/dance party thing at sleepovers every now and then, but we wondered if there wasn't something else out there.
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