
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

D.C. Tweens Attend Ally Carter Book Event

Tween author Ally Carter was at the Bethesda Public Library last night for a book talk and signing for her new title, Heist Society. Ms Twixt and tweens were there and had a blast chatting with the author.

Ms. Carter spoke about her latest novel, Heist Society, and the fourth in the Gallagher Girls series, Only the Good Spy Young, due out June 15, 2010. The crowd was nearly all tween girls and their moms, and the girls had some great questions about the characters, the story lines, how to become an author, how to handle deadlines, and more.

She spoke about her life as a full-time writer and that while she loves it, there are days when she can watch five episodes of Gilmore Girls on t.v. instead of writing. She was adamant that all it takes is a good manuscript to get published, saying that "I'm living, breathing proof that no connections are needed to make it in this business."

The girls asked what other books she had in development, and if the other characters, especially Bex and Macey, will get their own books. Ms. Carter said that she expects to write six books in the Gallagher Girl series, but might explore doing special vacation books with some of the characters (e.g. summer vacation in London with Bex).

Heist Society is a brand new series from the author and totally unrelated to the Gallagher Girl series. The main character is older, but the book is still appropriate for tweens. She's already begun work on the second title in the Heist Society series, but no word as yet on when to expect that book.

Ms. Carter was gracious and enthusiastic, encouraging questions and taking the time to chat with each girl. We are even bigger fans now.

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1 comment:

  1. ally carter saved my reading life i am 12 i have never read a book until after i saw the movie SALT i started to get really into the hole spy thing so i saw a girl on my bus readig id tell you i love you but the id have to kill u then i found out het thats what spies say they say if i tell you im a spy id have to kill youwell any way i read the hole book in 2 weeks but i stop all the days i read were 4 but i finshed in 4 days total 2 weeks cuz i stopped reading but now im reading her second one cross my haert and hope to spy i love the GG seires
