The American Girl Place in Boston is definitely one of my top ten things to do. This winter my family and I went there, it was AMAZING!!!!
When I first got inside what I saw was rows and rows of every American Girl thing I had ever heard of. There was everything from doll clothing to doll food, there was even clothing for you to match your doll! Even that did not end it, upstairs there was even more clothing but there was also a doll hair salon!! At the salon you could get your dolls hair done or even treat them to some special skincare. I had my doll’s hair done; she looked really good afterward. I was really impressed. Across from the salon there was a café where you could order food for you and your doll. It was really good food. I am definitely going to go there again very soon.
I give it 5 stars!
We blogged about American Girl craft kits earlier.
Across from the salon there was a café where you could order food for you and your doll.