
Monday, August 17, 2009

First Tweens Tour Philly

Last week the First Lady and First Tweens took a day trip to Philadelphia. Philly is just short train ride from D.C. and is home to so many historical landmarks, including the Liberty Bell (of course), Betsy Ross' house, Indepedence Hall, and many more. Malia had studied about Betsy Ross when she was a third grader and wanted to learn more about this American icon. The First Tweens toured several sites and one very lucky tween girls from Ambler, PA, Olivia D'Angelo, joined Malia and Sasha on their tour of the Betsy Ross House. Olivia's mom does PR for the City and snagged an invite - you can read more about Olivia's experiences here.
When Ms Twixt and tweens visited the Betsy Ross house, the historical tour guide showed us how to make a five-pointed star with a single snip (just like Betsy Ross did when making the flag). Instructions on how to do this are shown here. We also recommend:
- Running up the Art Museum's steps (from Rocky - a great photo op - be sure to load your iPod with the theme music); note that the Museum is closed Mondays
- Touring Independence Hall (Remember these scenes from the National Treasure movie?)
- Finding a cheesesteak joint for lunch (just ask passers-by for a recommendation - every Philadelphian has a favorite)
- Shopping in the funky stores on South Street
- Sitting at a sidewalk cafe in Rittenhouse Square (Rouge is our favorite - pommes frites for everyone!)
- Having dinner beneath the giant Buddha figure at Buddakan where Ms Twixt and Mr Twixt can unwind with a cocktail and everyone can eat amazing Asian fusion
- Catching an act at Penn's Landing (they have a slew of summertime events)
The First Tweens also stopped for ice cream - this time it was gelato from Capogiro on Sansom and 13th. Malia and Sasha both ordered the Dulce de Leche flavor - yum!
Ms Twixt loves the idea of running away with her girls for a day trip! Where are your favorite places in Philly to go with your tweens?

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