
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Children's Inaugural Events Announced

Ms. Twixt has just learned of two kids' inaugural events: the Children's Inaugural "Ball" (not a ball, at all; more of a day of activities) and MTV's Be The Change Inaugural Ball. Both events are on January 18th, and there are very few details thus far. The Every Child Matter's event is free but sold-out. There is a waiting list on their website, but odds are good at being able to attend because it is unlikely that folks who did already get tickets will stay for the entire 5 hours. No info as yet on the MTV event tix.

The link to the Every Child Matter's event is here, and the link to Service Nation to sign up for news and possibly tickets for the MTV event is here and the MTV press release.


  1. Please note: the Children's Inaugural Ball is divided into two Sessions: noon-2:30pm or 2:30-5:00pm to account for families not staying for the full event. Both sessions will be identical.

    The purpose of the Children's Inaugural Ball is to make sure that the children are a focus of this historic moment, and that the needs of children, youth and families are not overlooked.

    Elements will include: music and magic, puppet shows and storytimes, mini-classes for kids, interactive exhibits, a baby and toddler playroom, fun food, and other special activities.

  2. Please note that both sessions of this event are now filled and no new spaces are coming available.
